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Experiences During the Design, Funding, and Implementation of the Electric Up Photovoltaic Panels Funding Program

Session 1 After Energy Audit and First Year of Monitoring

What Does the Government Photovoltaic Panels Funding Program Finance?

Photovoltaic systems from 27kWp to 200kWp

Charging stations for electric vehicle batteries

Solar batteries for storing excess energy

How to Obtain Funding

From our experience with the first session of the Electric Up Photovoltaic Panels Funding Program, it is essential to complete the technical project before submitting the funding application. This is crucial because, once the funding application is submitted, the exact amount requested for reimbursement and all components of the photovoltaic system, charging stations, and solar batteries must match the real technical conditions of installation and connection. If these conditions cannot be met during implementation, the project and the amounts declared in the application CANNOT BE MODIFIED, which can lead to the suspension of funding.

Cum se obtine finantare panouri fotovoltaice

Obtaining the Connection Technical Approval (ATR)

A critical issue for an Electric Up client to resolve from the beginning is obtaining the Connection Technical Approval (ATR). It is known that electricity distributors issue ATRs with very long deadlines, often exceeding the 90 days imposed by the program guide, where it is mandatory to prove by submitting the ATR that you have the technical capability to install both the photovoltaic system and the charging stations.

Obtaining ATR

Calculating Consumption

Also, the consumption of existing equipment and charging stations should be well calculated to prevent potential problems during the 5-year monitoring period, under the supervision of the Ministry of Energy through the Energy Manager. It is important to mention that 88% of those who installed charging stations in the first session of the Electric Up program did not have even one charge at the stations, leading to the non-fulfillment of the estimated consumption.

Calculare consum

Choosing the Installation Location for Photovoltaic Panels

Another essential detail for future beneficiaries of photovoltaic panel funding is the location where the photovoltaic panels will be installed. They cannot be installed crowded or on any fragile roof structure. With or without funding, a strength and placement study on the roof for the panels is mandatory. For flat roofs, high-power panels must be installed horizontally to withstand wind pressure over time.

Panel Mounting Structure

The mounting structure of the panels on the roofs of halls is also critical. It is recommended to use a short rail with a minimum height of 7 cm for optimal ventilation during hot periods, when high temperatures can decrease the energy production of a photovoltaic system. The placement of the panels should allow sufficient spaces between columns and rows for easy access during maintenance.

Obtaining the Connection Certificate

During the implementation period, another issue arises concerning the obtaining of the connection certificate. Although theoretically, this should be issued within 30 days, we have had situations where it took up to 6 months. It is important to be aware of this timeframe because beneficiaries are obliged to submit this certificate within 12 months of signing the funding contract for expense reimbursement.

Payment of the Investment

Initially, all expenses are supported from the beneficiaries' own budget. After implementation and submission of the reimbursement file, these expenses are reimbursed provided that all details in the funding application are respected.

Cine finanteaza?

Consulting for the Electric Up 2 Photovoltaic Panels Funding Program

To ensure the project's success, it is recommended to sign a consultancy/implementation and monitoring contract with a competent photovoltaic panel installer. Amar Solar Energy, an installer with recognized competences, can support beneficiaries in obtaining funding, maximizing energy production, and ensuring quality monitoring and post-installation services.

Services Offered by Amar Solar Energy

Amar Solar Energy can support you to succeed not only in obtaining funding but also in achieving good production with carefully selected equipment and quality monitoring and post-installation services. The services offered include:

Initial energy audit for funding application submission

Pre-sizing of energy production

Pre-sizing of the photovoltaic system

Technical project of the photovoltaic system, including structural calculation and electrical scheme

Quality equipment, ensuring perfect compatibility between system elements for maximizing energy production

Preparation of all documents for obtaining ATR and connection certificate: minutes, electrical schemes, panel placement schemes, etc.

Conducting the initial energy audit and 5-year monitoring

For additional details and professional support, visit Amar Solar Energy.



Implementing a photovoltaic system through the Electric Up funding program requires rigorous planning and careful execution to meet all technical and administrative requirements. Collaborating with a competent installer, such as Amar Solar Energy, can ensure the project's success and maximize long-term benefits.

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